Entrepreneurship book

Author: Ava N. Simmons

Author Location: Durham, North Carolina

Subject: S.T.E.M., Learning Challenges, Visual Learning, Bullying

Price: $15.99

Format Paperback: ISBN: Coming Soon

Publish date: 2024

Publisher: Self-Published, Team Genius Squad Publishing

Trim: 8.5 x 11 inches

Page Count: Coming Soon

Available From: Amazon, Shop.TeamGeniusSquad.com, local toystore retailers, museums, and bookstores.

Sales, PR, and Marketing Contact: Tita Simmons, Team Genius Squad Publications

Contact No: 802-277-0332

About Ava Finds Her Inner Genius Using S.T.E.M.

Have you ever been or known someone that likes to create new things? Someone that is different or thinks I’m unique ways? Ava N. Simmons does, she was teased in school for not being able to read like her classmates. It significantly impacted her self-confidence and behavior. She will soon after be diagnosed with a reading disorder and spend the next months using S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and youth entrepreneurship to help herself overcome her learning and social challenges. This true story shares the learning journey and rise to stardom via S.T.E.M. and Youth Entrepreneurship of 10-year-old Ava. She will share useful details on how she built her youth brand a business so you can to!

Target Audience

  • Children Ages 5-13 years old, grades K-8
  • Children who learn differently (e.g. learning disorders, disabilities, or limitations)
  • Children who experienced teasing, bullying, or social challenges
  • Parents reading to young children
  • Early readers and parents can read together
  • S.T.E.M. Teachers and Enthusiasts


  • National Book Chain Campaign
  • Online & Print Review Campaign
  • Social Media Campaign and Free Giveaways
  • Media Interviews
  • S.T.E.M. Community Event Campaigns

Readings and Speaking Engagements

Ava is available for library readings, bookstore signings, classroom & community S.T.E.M. presentations. She is also, available for non-profit events.


Coming Soon!

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